
What we've been up to

34 Solutions Oriented Learning Storylines Published 

Solutions Oriented Learning Storylines (SOLS) is a state-wide project focusing on climate science connections found in the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) under Washington State’s Climate Science (ClimeTime) proviso. SOLS offer teachers a way to engage students in evidence-based, scientific learning that focuses on locally relevant, grade appropriate solutions to climate related problems. The SOLS project is designed to strengthen teachers’ comfort and confidence delivering equitable climate science instruction. During this project PEI has produced 34 grade specific storylines on 10 different climate solution topics including coastal hazards, wildfires, and regenerative agriculture. In addition, 9 storylines have been translated into Spanish. 

Each storyline is available to download.

District Spotlight

Puyallup School District


PEI and the Puyallup School District have a longstanding partnership to ensure all students have access to equitable, outdoor learning opportunities.  This past year we focused on how to support this work, especially for the K-3 classrooms, in a virtual setting.  We started by revisiting the Schoolyard Investigations lessons and brainstorming how students could participate outside of the schoolyard and traditional school setting.  Next, Tina VanBlaricom, Puyallup’s science kit creator extraordinaire, put together individual science kits for each kinder through sixth grade student to ensure they had the needed materials for their science lessons at home.  Students loved having their own kits and were able to keep all the materials inside, including items such as personal hand lenses, pencil sharpeners, and journals.   

Check out Puyallup’s FieldSTEM video

Staff Update


We are excited to welcome Cindy Haverkamp and Lourdes Flores to the PEI team. Cindy is joining as the East Sound South FieldSTEM Coordinator, supporting and empowering educators to teach real-world science outdoors in and around South King and Pierce Counties. Lourdes has transitioned from faculty member to Multilingual and Migrant Outreach Manager. She is the statewide point of contact for PEI’s programming and support for multilingual/English and migrant learners.  


Get to know our staff.

Upcoming events

Visit our calendar for more information. 
Date Workshop Location (online)
July 12, 19 & August 2 Aberdeen School District: School Gardens Coast*
July 26 Ocean Science: Healthy Oceans, Healthy You (Rocky Intertidal) Coast*
July 27 Ocean Science: Healthy Oceans, Healthy You (Sandy Intertidal) Coast*
Aug 2 - 4 Going DEEP in Salmon Education for Science and CTE Teachers Central WA
Aug 2   Solutions Oriented Learning Storylines: Food Waste (Asynchronous-Cohort 3) Statewide 
Aug 5 Investigating Invasive Species for Grades 3-5 Statewide  
Aug 5 Investigating Invasive Species for Grades 6-8 Statewide  
Aug 10  Project Learning Tree: Green Jobs and Forestry Central WA*
* by invitation only

With Gratitude

PEI would like to recognize the retirement of Dr. Martha Kurtz, Central Washington University’s Associate Dean, College of the Sciences. Martha has been a contributor and supporter of PEI’s programming since before PEI was PEI. In the late 90’s she lead the Teachers of Teachers of Science efforts for pre-service educators and worked closely with environmental educators including the Kittitas Environmental Education Network (KEEN). During the 2004-2005 academic year she took a sabbatical from CWU to work for PEI to document PEI's work in FieldSTEM. She represented PEI on a NAAEE team to write national standards for the initial preparation of environmental educators published in 2007.  Martha served on the PEI Board from its founding in 2003 until 2016. To celebrate her retirement, Martha has encouraged donations to PEI. PEI has already received over $500 from Martha’s colleagues. Consider honoring Martha by making a donation in tribute to her commitment to science education and PEI.


Thank you to our June funders

Anne Egger  
Daryl and Michele Connell  
Lisa Ely  
Timothy Englund  
Kristina Ernest 
Kitsap Community Foundation 
Janet Shiver  
Stephanie Stein 
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