
2024 Highlights

Thank You for Being Part of PEI’s Community!

As 2024 winds down, we are celebrating the ongoing transformation of education in our state and the role we get to play. Thank you for being part of our community and understanding the value of education that doesn’t just teach content but transforms students’ lives.
Highlights of our work in 2024:

  • Our first Engaging Communities in Agriculture Education workshop - featuring cow-petting!
  • Lower Columbia teachers showing up in force in the snow to gain tools and confidence for outdoor learning
  • The Office of Native Education invited us to present our education frameworks to a statewide audience as a model for best practices in how tribal perspectives can be embedded into schools’ curricula
  • Being featured in not one but two national publications: Educational Leadership and the National Science Teachers Association’s Connected Science Learning
  • Five dual language/multicultural education events attended by 42 teachers and 30 community members
  • Six Youth Engaged in Sustainable Systems (YESS) programs in collaboration with 45 community partners
  • Getting six statewide Career and Technical Education frameworks approved by OSPI for beginning and advanced restoration ecology, forest management and education through outdoor learning
  • Students sharing their climate science projects with state legislators during the 2024 Student Summit
  • Serving 4,314 teachers from 280 schools in 187 school districts who in turn impact an estimated 262,075 students

See other highlights of our work in the 2024 annual report. We look forward to more collaboration in service of place-based outdoor learning in 2025.

FieldSTEM in Action

Text: Nature Journaling Workshop Sparks Curiosity and Connection

The benefits of nature journaling are well-documented. They include sharpened observation skills, stress relief, increased creativity, a near-meditative state that increases focus, and an ability to track seasonal changes and behaviors over time. 
As a long-time nature journalist, writer, and facilitator, Julie Tennis is well aware of those benefits. Tennis, PEI’s former Coastal Region FieldSTEM Coordinator, finds that the process activates a deeper level of learning. “My favorite thing about nature journaling is how, when you give yourself time to really observe your subject, your mind gets pulled past the superficial exercise of observing, and your curiosity gets ignited,” says Tennis. “Once this happens, it’s like a dopamine hit. You become engrossed in a cycle of asking questions, finding answers, and asking more questions.” 

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Statewide Conference

Sagelands and Science: Highlights from the 2024 WSTA/E3 Washington Conference

Visitors to PEI’s table at the Washington Science Teachers Association (WSTA)/ E3 Washington conference in October were inspired to explore free resources and experiment with a hands-on activity. Many tried a mock quadrat survey of two sageland areas, one with cheatgrass and one without.

“Participants loved the idea of teaching students to use the quadrat with the pretend landscape before taking them out to the field,” says Megan Rivard, PEI’s Associate Director, Columbia Basin & Coast. “They were also encouraged by our do-it-yourself versions of the quadrat square, made of PVC pipe and elastic cord, which sparked many conversations about funding issues and the need for creativity in finding resources.”

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Community Partner Spotlight

How MCFEG’s Salmon Outside Program Inspires Collaboration

Setting up a salmon tank in your classroom is intimidating, especially for teachers who have never done it before. The assembly process alone is daunting, not to mention the required care and maintenance that follow – and that’s before any consideration of integrating curriculum. 
But what if an experienced educator, one with knowledge born of trial and error, were on hand to offer guidance and support? The experience would suddenly become much more manageable. 
That’s exactly what happened to one elementary school teacher in the Mid-Columbia Fisheries Enhancement Group’s (MCFEG) Salmon Outside cohort. A teacher at Naches Valley Middle School visited Naches Valley Elementary to help a fellow cohort member set up their salmon tank. This surprised Yakima Basin Environmental Education Program (YBEEP) Director Tiffany Bishop, another program partner. Bishop supports dozens of tanks in Central Washington schools and doesn’t see many educators going between buildings to support tank installation. 

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Invest in Natural Resources & Conservation Education

Join PEI’s Annual Campaign

What could educators achieve if every classroom incorporated outdoor education, community partners and culturally responsive learning? As part of PEI’s community, you share our goal of supporting teachers to make this type of education the norm for Washington State students rather than the exception. Your contribution isn’t just a donation, it’s an investment in making that future a reality.

Join PEI’s annual Campaign and invest now!

Invest in PEI

Tools & Tips for Teachers

Activities to Explore Winter Ecology

Winter ecology studies the inter-relationships between animals, insects, and plants with their habitat in the winter. In many parts of the country temperatures reach freezing (or well below) and you have lots of snow, whereas other areas receive ample rain with milder temperatures.

How do we adapt to our environment? As humans we might put on a warm jacket, gloves, and a hat before we go outside to brave the cold. Maybe you huddle around the fireplace and wear a few extra blankets. In Germany people say “there’s no bad weather, only bad clothing”—they know that winter environments still offer abundant outdoor learning opportunities! Looking for outdoor teaching tips during colder months? Molly Gillespie, Alaska’s PLT Coordinator, recently shared some ideas for teaching outdoors in the winter.

Source: Project Learning Tree

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Upcoming Events 

Date Workshop Location
 February 25   +  March 11  FieldDesign  Statewide
Visit PEI's calendar for more information. 

  With Gratitude

Thank you tDecember's donors and funders!

Anonymous Investor

Bill Monahan

Dawkins Charitable Trust

E3 Washington

Gareth Waugh

John Ison

Nisqually Tribe

Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction

Wal-mart Spark Good
Invest in PEI
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