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Math Performance Task
Common Core: Math
These slides support the implementation of "What's the Problem (3-5)" Math Performance Task with charts, images, etc.
Math Performance Task
Common Core: Math
The purpose of this 3 ACT task is to provide students with an opportunity to problem solve based on a...
Common Core: Social Studies, Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), OR State Standards, Oregon Forest Literacy Plan
Biodiversity, Careers, Climate, Fire, Forests, Habitat, Human Impact, Plants & Trees, Restoration Ecology, Wildlife
The Oregon Forest Resources Institute supports and enhances Oregon’s forest products industry by advancing public understanding of forests, forest management...
These slides support the implementation of "Housing Our Community (3-5)" Math Performance Task with charts, images, etc.
The purpose of this task is to give students the opportunity to use mathematics in real-world applications. In this task,...
Common Core: Social Studies, Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), OR State Standards, Oregon Forest Literacy Plan
Biodiversity, Careers, Climate, Fire, Forests, Habitat, Human Impact, Plants & Trees, Restoration Ecology, Wildlife
Programs and materials using forests as a context for teaching to enrich student learning and extend it beyond the classroom...