Welcome to our online resource directory where you can explore and learn more about our teaching materials and frameworks. This is a new way to search for all your PEI favorites, including: ELA and Math Performance Tasks, FieldSTEM guides, Schoolyard Investigations, Solutions Oriented Learning Storylines, Career Cards, CTE Frameworks and more! Use the drop-down boxes to narrow your search or type in a keyword to find a specific resource.
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This PEI created informational card highlights the work of a Washington State Research Scientist, including educational requirements, salary, tools, skills,...
This PEI created informational card highlights the work of a Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife Scientific Technician, including...
This PEI created informational card highlights the work of a Washington State Restoration Biologist and Project Manager, including educational requirements,...
This PEI created informational card highlights the work of a Washington State Restoration Biologist and Project Manager, including educational requirements,...