- Going to the Beach (K)-Booklet – Español
- Going to the Beach (K)-Performance Task – Español
- Going to the Lake (K)-Booklet – Español
- Going to the Pond (K)-Booklet – Español
- Going to the Pond or Lake (K)-Performance Task – Español
- Off to the Woods (1)-Booklet – Español
- Off to the Woods (1)-Performance Task – Español
- Estuaries (2)-Booklet – Español
- Estuaries (2)-Performance Task – Español
- What is the Weather (K-2)-Booklet – Español
- What Will the Weather Be (K-2)-Performance Task – Español
- BioBlitz (3-5)-Performance Task-Español
- Clean Water Healthy Fish (3-4)-Performance Task-Español
- Renewable & Nonrenewable Energy (3-5)-Performance Task-Español
- Vegetable Gardens (3)-Performance Task-Español
- Carbon Footprint (4-5)-Performance Task-Español
- Forest Benefits (4-5)-Performance Task-Español
- Forest Management (4-5)-Performance Task-Español
- Save Our Salmon-Clean Water (4-5)-Performance Task-Español
- Save Our Salmon-Water Flow (4-5)-Performance Task-Español
- Stormwater Pollution (4-5)-Performance Task-Español